
Global warming and the accumulation of organic waste constitute a serious environmental problem. Therefore, microbial fuel cells (MFC) are an eco-friendly device that have significant capability for the production of electricity using biodegradable waste as fuel. Microorganisms used as catalysts in the anode compartment, execute a principal function in operating MFCs. The present study was conducted to isolate and to screen potential bioelectricity generating microorganisms from dumpsite soil samples and also to construct a domestic dual-chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC). Streptomyces fimicarius was found to be the best isolate for the degradation of cellulose and the production of bioelectricity. The bacterial isolate was identified based on morphological characteristics, biochemical characteristics and molecular identification using 16S rRNA. Double-chambered MFC was constructed by using two polypropylene plastic containers of 1.4 L volume each. The two chambers were joined by using an agar salt bridge and carbon rods were utilized as electrodes. The generation of electricity by the isolate was compared using glucose and cellulose as sole carbon source in a minimal medium. The maximum voltage was found to be 322 mV in the presence of cellulose used as substrate after 5 days of incubation at room temperature and last for 10 days.

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