
When a target speech signal is obscured by an interfering speech wave form, comprehension of the target message depends both on the successful detection of the energy from the target speech wave form and on the successful extraction and recognition of the spectro-temporal energy pattern of the target out of a background of acoustically similar masker sounds. This study attempted to isolate the effects that energetic masking, defined as the loss of detectable target information due to the spectral overlap of the target and masking signals, has on multitalker speech perception. This was achieved through the use of ideal time-frequency binary masks that retained those spectro-temporal regions of the acoustic mixture that were dominated by the target speech but eliminated those regions that were dominated by the interfering speech. The results suggest that energetic masking plays a relatively small role in the overall masking that occurs when speech is masked by interfering speech but a much more significant role when speech is masked by interfering noise.

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