
Hydatid disease is a parasitic infestation, the pulmonary variant, caused by Echinococcus multilocularis is less common and the extra pulmonary thoracic variant even rare .We report a case of 52 year old female who underwent complete surgical excision of isolated right sided thoracic extrapulmonary hydatid cyst with subcutaneous extension. The postoperative period was uneventful. She was discharged on the 6 th post op day and is in regular follow up and doing well. I. Case Report A 52 year multigravida, normotensive, nondiabetic, female presented with complains of cough, shortness of breath, associated with right sided chest heaviness and pain for 4 years. A non-tender gradually progressive lump of size 5x3cm was present over the the right infraclavicular region lateral to midclavicular line upto anterior axillary line. There was no history of haemoptysis or tuberculosis. The blood investigation showed eosinophilia, with ELISA-Hydatid serology positive. X-ray chest showed a large single rounded opacity over the right upper and middle lung field(figure 1). CT Scan showed a large lobulated mass of size 11.6 x 7.7 cm arising in the right upper chest with extension into the anterolateral chestwall overlying 2 nd

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