
Copper pollution in the East Coast of Surabaya is one of the serious cases of heavy metal pollution in Indonesia. Pollution at this location has been proven to result in fish deaths and brain damage of local residents because they consume too much copper-contaminated fish. Copper bioremediation using indigen bacteria isolated from polluted environments is a promising solution to overcome copper pollution problems. Bacteria that commonly live in polluted environments can be isolated and used as copper bioremediation agents. This study aims to do: 1) isolation and characterization of copper resistant bacteria from the East Coast of Surabaya, 2) resistance testing of bacterial isolates, and 3) copper accumulation and biosorbtion tests of bacterial isolates. The bacterial isolates were characterized by the morphology of the colonies and their cells based on Gram staining. Resistance testing is done by determining Minimum Inhibitory Concentration/MIC. The accumulation test is carried out by separating the cell and growth medium, then each of them is distructed using HNO3. The results of isolation and characterization obtained six isolates of copper-resistant bacteria, namely PmbC1, PmbC2, PmbC3, PmbC4, PmbC5, and PmbC6 with MIC = 3 mM - 5mM CuSO4. PmbC4 isolate is the most resistant bacteria with the MIC of 5 mM and is capable of accumulating copper of 6.25 mg per gram of cell dry weight and biosorbtion of 92.17%.


  • Copper pollution in the East Coast of Surabaya is one of the serious cases of heavy metal pollution in Indonesia

  • This study aims to do: 1) isolation and characterization of copper resistant bacteria from the East Coast of Surabaya, 2) resistance testing of bacterial isolates and 3) copper accumulation and biosorption tests of bacterial isolates

  • The effect of copper on the growth of bacteria isolated from marine environments

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Wahyu Irawati

Bioremediasi tembaga dengan menggunakan bakteri indigen yang diisolasi dari lingkungan tercemar merupakan solusi yang menjanjikan untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran tembaga. Bakteri yang biasa hidup di lingkungan tercemar dapat diisolasi dan digunakan sebagai agen bioremediasi tembaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan: 1) isolasi dan karakterisasi bakteri resisten tembaga dari Pantai Timur Surabaya, 2) uji resistensi isolat bakteri, serta 3) uji akumulasi dan biosorbsi tembaga isolat bakteri. Uji resistensi dilakukan dengan menentukan nilai batas konsentrasi yang menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration/MIC). Hasil isolasi dan karakterisasi diperoleh enam isolat bakteri resisten tembaga, yaitu PmbC1, PmbC2, PmbC3, PmbC4, PmbC5, dan PmbC6 dengan nilai MIC = 3 mM - 5mM CuSO4. Isolat PmbC4 merupakan bakteri yang paling resisten dengan nilai MIC=5 mM serta mampu mengakumulasi tembaga sebesar 6.25 mg per gram berat kering sel dan melakukan biosorbsi sebesar 92.17%

Alam memiliki kemampuan yang
METODE PENELITIAN Isolasi dan karakterisasi resisten tembaga
Uji resistensi dilakukan dengan menentukan nilai Minimum Inhibitory
Uji Potensi Akumulasi dan Biosorbsi Tembaga
Resisten Tembaga
Opaque Opaque
Uji Resistensi Isolat Bakteri Resisten Tembaga
Potensi Akumulasi Dan Biosorbsi Tembaga
Allah menciptakan biodiversitas
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