
The isolated and characteristic lactic acid bacteria in broiler’s intestineABSTRACT. The objective of the research was to evaluate and characterize of a Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated frombroiler’s small intestine. The research was done by three steps : (1) Isolated Lactic Acid Bacteria, (2) Gram colourize and microscopic observation and (3) Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria. The isolation of lactic acid bacteria was proceed by clone from broiler’s small intestine with MRS Broth for 24 hours, thinned until 10 ̄ 9with serial number, invested in MRS jell, purify by streak plate method and storage the lactic acid bacteria in an MRS angle jell. Gram colourize was done with crystal violet liquid, Iodium, Alkohol 95% and Safranin, and also microscopic observation was done by electron microscope with 40 zooming. Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria was evaluated with Escherichia coli as testing bacteria in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24 dan 48 hours incubation period. The isolation result showed two sample of isolate (A1 dan A2) and consist of the observation in shape as well as colour of the bacteria growth, for sample of isolate A1 the colonies had coccus and white colour. The isolate of A2 had sarcinar. After that, gram colouring was done and microscopic observation were identified into gram-negative bacteria became bacill and bacill cocco. Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria showed that it produced antimicrobial with 11 mm clearing zone diameter. The result of the research got Lactobacillus sp as the genera of Lactic Acid Bacteria.


  • The objective of the research was to evaluate and characterize of a Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated frombroiler’s small intestine

  • The research was done by three steps

  • The isolation of lactic acid bacteria was proceed by clone from broiler's small intestine

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya, Inderalaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan usus halus ayam broiler strain Arbor Acres yang di ambil dari ternak ayam broiler yang dipelihara oleh peternak yang ada di Kecamatan Inderalaya dengan umur 35 hari sebanyak 1 ekor. Media kultur yang digunakan merupakan media umum (nutrient Agar) serta media selektif (MRS Ahar dan Broth). Persiapan media usus halus Ayam broiler strain Arbor Acres umur 35 hari dipotong, dikeluarkan darahnya dan diletakkan di atas papan bedah. Lalu sayat di bagian media ventral daerah abdomen sehingga otot dada dapat dilepas. Kemudian seluruh organ saluran pencernaan dikeluarkan lalu diambil bagian usus halusnya dan dipotong sepanjang 1 cm. Usus di masukkan kedalam tabung reaksi yang terisi media selektif MRS Broth 3 ml. Lalu diinkubasi selama 24 jam. 1 ml cairan hasil inkubasi diambil dan dilakukan pengenceran serial sampai 10 -9

Menghitung total koloni yang tumbuh dengan metode cawan agar
Isolasi koloni dengan bentuk koloni dominan
Pengamatan morfologis dan pewarnaan garam
Uji tantang dengan bakteri pathogen dengan metode zona bening
Pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh
Produksi Anti
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