
The climacteric is a natural phase during women’s life, which occurs between 40 and 65 years. It is characterized bythe transition from their reproductive to non-reproductive phase. In this period, due to hormonal changes, biological,endocrine and clinical modifications also occur. Vasomotor symptoms are characteristic of hypoestrogenism andcan negatively affect women’s quality of life. This study aimed to review the results of intervention studies whichused isoflavones to treat the symptoms of climacteric women who did not undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT). A systematic review of articles published between 2008 and 2019 in the PubMed database was carried out.169 studies were found, and considering the inclusion criteria, 18 articles were selected, in which it was describedisoflavones intervention with capsules and/ or supplements or foods for the treatment of climacteric syndrome.Positive results were observed regarding to global symptoms, with emphasis on vasomotor symptoms in morethan half of the studies, in which daily doses of isoflavones, between 45 mg to 160 mg, for at least 12 weeks, wereadministered specifically in postmenopausal women.

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