
We present low-resolution mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of 16 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) obtained with the circular variable filter (CVF) spectroscopy mode of ISOCAM on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Our sample completes previous ISO spectroscopy of ultra- and hyperluminous infrared galaxies toward higher luminosities. The combined samples cover an infrared luminosity range of ~1012-1013.1 L☉. To discriminate active galactic nucleus (AGN) and starburst activity, we use the AGN-related MIR continuum and the starburst-related 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 μm MIR emission bands attributed to aromatic carbonaceous material. For about half of the high-luminosity ULIRGs studied here, strong aromatic emission bands suggest starburst dominance. Other spectra are dominated by a strong AGN-related continuum with weak superposed emission features of uncertain nature. Our sample contains one unusual example, IRAS F00183-7111, of an AGN that is highly obscured even in the MIR. An improved method to characterize quantitatively the relative contribution of star formation and AGN activity to the MIR emission of ULIRGs is presented. The ULIRG spectra are fitted by a superposition of a starburst and an AGN spectrum, both of which may be obscured at different levels. Models in which starburst and AGN obscuration differ are significantly more successful than models with a single extinction. Previous results based on a simpler line-to-continuum measure of aromatic emission strength are confirmed, further supporting the robustness of the aromatic emission feature as a diagnostic of ULIRG power sources. As dominant sources of the bolometric luminosity, starbursts prevail at the lower end and AGNs at the higher end of this range. The transition between mostly starburst and mostly AGN powered occurs at ~1012.4-1012.5 L☉, and individual luminous starbursts are found up to ~1012.65 L☉.

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