
A short story of rape: "I push but there’s no push in me — my heavy limbs fall onto the sand. Conches wedge into my spine like new vertebrae. ‘Calcify,’ the crabs whisper. ‘Become crustacean! Scurry into the ocean.’ Or, ‘Sew legs shut with the discarded nets. Become a mermaid with nothing downthere!’"


  • That the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again... - To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf

  • Each off-season we find someone to keep an eye on things, and it’s always worked out

  • I see it, the weight lifting from him, his face lightening with thoughts of tomorrow and the day and his whole future, returning. The image of her hybrid body no longer occupying every crevice of his mind—whirrrrr, whirrrr, unpleasant drunken snapshots pushed out his ears like forgotten polaroids

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Western Sydney University

That the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again... - To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf. I see it, the weight lifting from him, his face lightening with thoughts of tomorrow and the day and his whole future, returning The image of her hybrid body no longer occupying every crevice of his mind—whirrrrr, whirrrr, unpleasant drunken snapshots pushed out his ears like forgotten polaroids. He knows Emma was alive when he walked away, or at least, he thinks so. ‘Um, yeah, alright,’ I nod, realising that not a single island local was at the memorial, the white washed scene resembling a uni house party, and I suddenly feel sick about the whole thing Nurses in white uniforms toss sheets to the air, flapping like gulls in flight They wrap the large feet with sparkling nails, the long smooth legs. The ground staff secure the container in the hold as the propellers sputter to life

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