
This article examines the dynamics of Islamic revival in the Republic of Dagestan. The author considers various stages of this process, starting from the end of the Soviet period to the present, where various Islamic movements and organizations influence the political and social aspects of the region. The article analyzes the conflict between traditional and fundamentalist forms of Islamic revival, as well as the impact of this phenomenon on youth and society. Special attention is given to the influence of the Salafist faction, also known as «Wahhabism» and its struggle against traditional Sufism. The article also examines the efforts of Dagestan authorities and Islamic figures to promote inter-Islamic dialogue and cooperation in combating radicalism and extremism. Based on the analysis of the issue, the author concludes that Islamic revival in Dagestan has a complex nature and plays a significant role in shaping the cultural and religious diversity of the region. However, the necessity to counter radicalism and extremism requires efforts to coordinate and find consensus among different Islamic groups and organizations. The author emphasizes the importance of continuing dialogue and resolving internal disagreements to ensure peaceful coexistence and stability in the region.

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