
This study considered the position of management from an Islamic perspective. The study was built using a science-based theology philosophical approach to library data sourced from management literature and Islamic studies literature. Islam is a unique system of life, whose rules cover all aspects of life, including science. In the Islamic perspective, knowledge is seen as coming from the Creator (Surat al-Baqarah: 31), whether given directly in the form of revelation or given indirectly through learning experiences and extracting human reason. Management is one part of the building of knowledge that is excavated by humans from research on experiences of human collaboration, which are always core activities of al-takhtith, al-tanzhim, al-tathbiq and al-riqabah. The implementation of the cooperation process goes according to the patterns that become the paradigmatic commitments of all its personnel. In Islam, management as a science and applied art or technique is inseparable from the Islamic paradigm which has the view that science and the collaborative process must run under the corridor of Islam. Management occupies a position as a discipline and a technique used to make it easier for humans to carry out cooperation to achieve organizational goals. The achievement of these organizational goals is part of the attainment of the goals of Islam in general to achieve rahmatan lil’alamin.
 Keywords: management, Islamic perspective, paradigmatic commitment

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