
The valid khalwa ( staying alone with a woman ) and its effect on a wife dowry marital relationship is one of the most important ties inhuman society therefore Islamic shariah and the following positive laws under focus have regated such a tie to ensure its continuity and main tenance for men and women to satisfy their desires and at the same time to protect this legal tie from any impediment it may confront after being followed by a valid contract whether before consumation of marriage or after it among such impediments is valid khalwa between husband and wife after contact which is a point of dispute among muslim jurists and legislators of law as to the many effeets resulting from such khalwa among such effeets is the specitied dowry a wife deserves some muslim jurists and legislators of law are of the opinion that a wife deserves the whole dowry whereas others insist that the wife deserves only half the dowry as the khalwa though it is vaild does not replace actual consummation of marriage .

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