
This study attempts to explain the ramifications of running red traffic lights and the public interests that result from the implementation of sanctions for such infractions. In addition, it aims to clarify the rulings on high-speed driving and driving without a licence in Islamic jurisprudence and Jordanian traffic legislation, Both inductive and analytical methods were used in the study, which involved a review of the relevant sections of the Jordanian Traffic Law as well as the writings of jurists. According to the results, if a driver of a vehicle causes an accident that results in the death of another person, they have a duty to compensate Allah for that loss, and blood money represents the victims' rights until they want to relinquish them. Infractions of traffic laws, such as speeding excessively, running red lights, and driving without a licence, can result in jail time, fines, and licence suspension. The study suggests using visual and audio mediums to make the requirements pertaining to infractions of traffic laws more clear.

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