
According to the neoinstitutionalism theory, institutions are divided into two groups: formal and informal. Formal institutions are the enshrined legal provisions, laws by which government are guided and institutionalized norms. Informal institutions include rules of conduct, system of values, ideology and traditions which are the defi ning factor of social behavior of a person. The article deals with the problem of fi ghting against international terrorism in the context of Islam as an informal institution and activity of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as formal an institution. In Islam terrorism in all its forms is rejected. In Islamic tradition acts of violence are classifi ed under different names – a muhariba, fataq, ightiyal, ghadar, baghiy and irhab and are absolutely rejected. The present terrorist activities which terrorists carry out by justifying them with distorted provisions and interpretations of Islamic doctrines has nothing to do with laws of Sharia. Terrorism as goal pursuing method also rejected by the Organization of Islamic cooperation – the largest formal Islamic institution. The offi cial position of the OIC member-states on this matter is enshrined in conventions, resolutions and different declarations, and also in the constant stance of the secretary general of the Organization that demonstrates the serious concern and commitment of this institute to fi ght against international terrorism.

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