
Research on insurance has been conducted by economists and experts within the finance and business fields. However, recently the study pertaining to insurance has garnered interest from diverese fields, namely sociology, socio-legal studies and criminology. There are very limited study examining insurance from a sociological perspective involves exploring how social, economic and cultural elements interconnect with various contextual factors. Most studies within the domain of insurance focused on insurance organisations or agencies, only a limited number of studies have focused on the analysis of agents and clients interaction. This study aims to analyse and uncover the ideology behind the use of Islamic ideology by an insurance leader during a sharing session. A qualitative case study was conducted and an insurance leader’s verbal speech was transcribed during a sharing session and went through discourse analysis. The transcribed script was analysed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, it could be concluded that Islamic ideology was included in the insurance leader’s speech discourse which was associated to the divinity ideology. Divinity ideology refers to the shared belief among all Muslims that worshipping God is an essential commitment that must never be compromised. It was found that there were two types of divinity ideology which were the duty as believers and the principal belief of Islam. To sum up, this study has involved an insurance leader’s discourse which can be further investigated in various ways in future by exploring strategies, power and ideology in the insurance leaders’ discourse.

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