
After the Indonesian nation declared its independence in 1945, the Indonesian government inherited various education systems, namely: the pesantren education system, the general school education system (the Dutch school model), the madrasa education system, and the Islamic school education system. The transformation of education in the Orde Lama period continued by making adjustments to the national education system with the existing Indonesian education system. This change in the education system was formulated in the National education system Law No. 4 of 1954 although some of its contents were related to the Islamic education system. debate, the position of Islamic education at that time was not yet obliged to be released. Furthermore, the transformation of education during the Orde Baru which was formulated in Law no. 2 of 1989 concerning the National education system still raises debates between pro and contra parties. The position of Islamic education at that time had reached the second grade, whose position was starting to be recognized by the government. Then during the reform era, the transformation of education was further strengthened by the issuance of law no. 20 of 2003 and the existence of Islamic Education is openly recognized. Both the institution and the substance clearly state the terms Iman, Taqwa and Noble Morals. As mandated in the 1945 Constitution to establish a national education that enhances faith and devotion to God Almighty and noble morals in order to educate the nation's life.

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