
This research is motivated by high school and vocational high school students ethics and morals degradation. Thus, the purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the teachers ability in planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating the learning management of Islamic Religious Education at SMAN 1 and SMKN 1 of East Lampung. This research employed the qualitative descriptive approach with the case study design. The research data are collected using three techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. The data are then analyzed in two stages, namely the individual case data analysis and cross-case data analysis. The sources of data are the principal, vice-principal, teachers, employees, and students. The results of this study indicated that 1) the basis of religion has been developed by practicing the religious values that are believed and carried out in everyday life and utilizing additional hours on extracurricular activities. 2) The implementation pattern of Islamic Religious Education learning management is unique the application of religious culture, such as greetings, asking for permission, apologizing, expressing gratitude,reading and writing the Quran, performing dhuhaandzhuhur prayers in congregation, istighosah, and congregational prayers, commemorating Islamic holidays, performing imtaq and tadarrus Quran, performing group prayers at the beginning and end of lessons, accustoming handshakes between school members, and wearing Muslim clothing. 3) Commemorating every major Islamic day through various activities, such as holding competitions for the art of reading the Quran, religious quiz, reading poetry, translation of the Quran, prayer practices, fashion shows, qurban on Eid al-Adha, Islamic crash course in the month of Ramadan, and many others.

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