
This paper deals with the Islamic concept of Human Rights with special reference to its application in Pakistan. It is heartening that the United Nations Organization is taking all such steps which are enunciated by Islam for the betterment and welfare of mankind and its dignity. In this paper, judgements of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court and High Courts of all the provinces have also been added for facilitation of further research by all those who are interested to work for the human rights and the fundamental rights. The concept of Islam is concept of the indivisibility of life; life has to be viewed as a whole and organized as a whole. There is no priesthood in Islam. Thus Islamic state would be theistic but not theocratic. Rights, fundamental or others, could be only rightly grounded in the concepts of reality, truth and kindness. According to Islam, life does not end with death but continues towards higher and higher elevations. It is in this sense that Islamic principles are broader in outlook and eternal in existence.CONCEPT OF LIBERTY:Under Islamic political philosophy, there can be no liberty without limitations. Liberty is nothing but an opportunity for the performance of duties. The Holy Qur’an says that the prophets are commissioned to break your chains and remove the halters from your necks so that you may approach your Lord freely with the dignity of free human beings, who in serving God have not served any arbitrary tyrant but have been really true to their own selves.ISLAMIC PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN LIFE:Materialistic concept of human life in which there is no prevision for the development of human personality has done great harm to the human society as a whole. God Almighty has, in His Last Book, guided mankind with basic and fundamental principles of human life which when truly acted upon can bring boon to the entire mankind.

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