
Abstract This article introduces Islamic apocalyptic jurisprudence (theories of final law that will govern humanity in the End Times) to academic study. Section 1 considers why the topic has remained unexamined and suggests a basic taxonomy. Section 2 exposes the apocalyptic jurisprudence of two case studies, representing the “reversionist” and “progressivist” poles of Sunni discourses: the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (“isis”), and Dāwūd and his “Awaited Mahdī” movement in Egypt. Section 3 considers two further case studies, representing the “revanchist” and “idealist” orientations in Shi‘i discourses: the Islamic Republic of Iran, and al-Ṣadr, a theorist of the Iraqi Ṣadrist movement. Throughout, the following aspects of the final legal system are considered: sources of law; conflicts between Islamic, Jewish, Christian, and international laws; the jurist’s role; changes to classical Islamic legal theory, including qiyas and ijtihad; the legitimacy of legal schools; and new positive laws, policies, and rules of evidence.

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