
In the last few years, the general book market in Indonesia has seen a flood of Islamic novels commonly identified by the Islamic text on the book cover. More significantly, these novels have been a popular and commercial success with record sales figures stimulating more such novels and giving rise to the phenomenon of popular Islamic novels. To ascertain whether these novels actually carry Islamic themes as suggested by their cover and if so, how is Islam represented in these novels, this study analyses two popular Islamic novels: Ayat ayat cinta (2004) by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy and Syahadat cinta (2006) by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. The analysis aims to determine how Islam is represented and to draw conclusions on aspects of narrative construction in the respective novels. The analysis successfully determines that Islam is presented on a few levels in the studied texts, and concludes that two important ingredients underscore the narrative construction of both novels: Islam and the love story.

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