
This paper explains about  Islam Kejawen as an adoption of local wisdom learned from generation to generation by the Javanese community. Influenced by Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Then the acculturation process becomes a part of the belief called kapitayan. After the arrival of saints in Java, the spread of religion Islam still maintains the existing ritual culture such as through songs and puppets. Islam is spread in the form of simple teachings of the recognition of God without removing hereditary rituals carried out by Javanese communities before. After Islam and Java united together in one religious and spiritual bond , both are very coherent. In fact, it seems as if it cannot be distinguished which is actually Javanese culture and which is Islam. Then the mixing of the two, or what had been called syncretism, became a form and characteristic of Islam in Java. Because in general the syncretism between Islam and local culture has entered various lines of life in various regions. However, based on socio-geographical conditions, we can be more observant in the intensity of the spread of the mixing of Islamic and Javanese teaching.Â

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