
This seminar, sponsored jointly by the Institute of Islamic Understanding,Malaysia, and the Malaysian-American Com.mission of EducationalExchange, consisted of four sessions and the presentation of sevenreseareh papers. Mohammad Kamal Hassan (Internatio Islamic University,Malaysia) spoke on the Islamic worldview, which he stated is "theisticand ethical" and in sharp contrast to secularism and atheism. Topicsdiscussed included how the Qur'an fulfills the human urge to have avision of divine reality by personifying God's attributes, how "MotherNature" could not have created itself, God's creation of the universe andnature's as well as humanity's purpose and role (i.e., vicegerency), andthe requirements and expectations of God as regards humanity's controlover nature. The speaker concluded with a reminder that humanity is subjectto perpetual tests as regards the use of God-given bounties and resourcesand that collapse can be the result of upsetting the balance andharmony instituted by God in natw and life ...

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