
Unfortunately, many clinicians still lack a sufficient understanding of the concepts behind the ethical structure of Islam implemented in everyday clinical circumstances, allowing them to provide care insensitive to the religion's culture. Several aspects of Islamic Biomedical ethics have been discussed. This study explores Islamic Bioethics and its tenets. The importance of appreciating and respecting Islamic Bioethics becomes clear. The nature of Islamic bioethics is also illuminated. Also, the theory of the Islamic bioethical framework for protecting human life, including how it is shaped by the Quran, the Sunnah, ijtihad, and the field as a whole, has been discussed. Islam proposes four bioethical principles: beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice, which are also part of the study. Finally, the relevance of an Islamic approach to bioethical issues is discussed. The Islamic faith places a premium on both preventative healthcare and the therapeutic management of illness. Treatment, genetic engineering, and abortion regulations are a few of the major life issues covered. Concerning the final stages of life, topics like suicide will be considered. Last but not least, is the Islamic perspective on exhumation and organ transplants. Keeping in mind the value of life in Islam, it is obligatory for the patient to seek proper and timely treatment. Also, it is healthcare providers' religious and ethical obligation to be very honest with their duties.

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