
This paper addresses the challenges in accurate and real-time traffic congestion prediction under uncertainty by proposing Ising-Traffic, a dual-model Ising-based traffic prediction framework that delivers higher accuracy and lower latency than SOTA solutions. While traditional solutions face the dilemma from the trade-off between algorithm complexity and computational efficiency, our Ising-based method breaks away from the trade-off leveraging the Ising model's strong expressivity and the Ising machine's strong computation power. In particular, Ising-Traffic formulates traffic prediction under uncertainty into two Ising models: Reconstruct-Ising and Predict-Ising. Reconstruct-Ising is mapped onto modern Ising machines and handles uncertainty in traffic accurately with negligible latency and energy consumption, while Predict-Ising is mapped onto traditional processors and predicts future congestion precisely with only at most 1.8% computational demands of existing solutions. Our evaluation shows Ising-Traffic delivers on average 98X speedups and 5% accuracy improvement over SOTA.

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