
The Ising model in clustered scale-free networks has been studied by Monte Carlo simulations. These networks are characterized by a degree distribution of the form P(k)∼k(-γ) for large k. Clustering is introduced in the networks by inserting triangles, i.e., triads of connected nodes. The transition from a ferromagnetic (FM) to a paramagnetic (PM) phase has been studied as a function of the exponent γ and the triangle density. For γ>3 our results are in line with earlier simulations, and a phase transition appears at a temperature T(c)(γ) in the thermodynamic limit (system size N→∞). For γ≤3, a FM-PM crossover appears at a size-dependent temperature T(co), so the system remains in a FM state at any finite temperature in the limit N→∞. Thus, for γ=3, T(co) scales as lnN, whereas for γ<3, we find T(co)∼JN(z), where the exponent z decreases for increasing γ. Adding motifs (triangles in our case) to the networks causes an increase in the transition (or crossover) temperature for exponent γ>3 (or ≤3). For γ>3, this increase is due to changes in the mean values 〈k〉 and 〈k(2)〉, i.e., the transition is controlled by the degree distribution (nearest-neighbor connectivities). For γ≤3, however, we find that clustered and unclustered networks with the same size and distribution P(k) have different crossover temperature, i.e., clustering favors FM correlations, thus increasing the temperature T(co). The effect of a degree cutoff k(cut) on the asymptotic behavior of T(co) is discussed.

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