
TYPE: Case Report TOPIC: Chest Infections INTRODUCTION: The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is known to cause severe systemic inflammation leading to thrombotic complications. Deep vein venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and stroke are some of the most commonly reported. However, ischemic priapism has been rarely documented as a thromboembolic consequence. CASE PRESENTATION: A 39-year-old man with a history of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with a painful irreducible erection of six-hour duration. Physical exam revealed tachycardia and a tender, rigid penile shaft, with an engorged glans and corpus spongiosum. He denied prior episodes or penile trauma. Laboratory-work revealed an elevated D-Dimer and inflammatory markers, as well as a positive COVID PCR test. Further investigations showed no previous hematological diseases or medications with an elevated thromboembolic risk. He received epinephrine irrigation and cavernosal blood aspiration which resolved the priapism. Nonetheless, the erection recurred a few hours later and a heparin infusion was started. Despite being on heparin for 24 hours, the erection persisted, requiring surgical intervention via a corpora cavernosa - penis glans fistula. The erection resolved and he was discharged home. DISCUSSION: Priapism is a prolonged penile erection of more than four hours without sexual stimulation. Interestingly, COVID-19 induces thrombosis by the hypercoagulability, hyperviscosity, and endothelial dysfunction after the massive inflammatory response and free radical damage. Ischemic priapism is a medical emergency that prompts treatment with a-agonists and corporal blood aspiration if needed. Detumescence can be achieved surgically if the initial measures fail. CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights a rare complication of COVID-19. Early recognition and medical treatment can prevent irreversible complications. DISCLOSURE: Nothing to declare. KEYWORD: COVID-19 Ischemic Priapism

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