
Intracellularlocation of a viral unspliced mRNA in host cell is a crucial factor for normal life of the virus. Rex is a neucleo-cytoplasmic shuffling protein of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus-1(HTLV-1)which has important role in active transport of cargo-containing RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm. Therefore, it plays a crucial role in the disease development by the virus. In spite of its importance, the 3d-structurephosphorylated and unphosphorylated of this protein has not been determined. In this study, first we predicted whether Rex protein is an ordered or disordered protein. In second step protein 3Dstructure of Rex was obtained. The content of disorder-promoting amino acids, flexibility, hydrophobicity, short linear motifs (SLiMs) and protein binding regions and probability of Rex crystallization were calculated by various In Silico methods. The3D models of Rex protein were obtained by various In Silico methods, such as homology modeling, threading and ab initio, including; I-TASSER, LOMETS, SPARSKS, ROBBETA and QUARK servers. By comparing and analyzing Qmean, z-scores and energy levels of selected models, the best structures with highest favored region in Ramachandran plot (higher than 90%) was refined with MODREFINER software. In silico analysis of Rex physicochemical properties and also predicted SLiMs and binding regions sites confirms that unphosphorylated Rex protein in HTLV-1 as Rev protin in HIV is wholly disordered protein belongs to the class of intrinsically disordered proteins with extended disorder (native coils, native pre-molten globules).

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