
Anitobesity drugs must increase the sensitivity of the hypothalamic satiety center towards leptin and antagonize the synthesis and action of NPY. The array of pharmacologic tools available is vast and presently ineffective. Among peptide analogs considered for evaluation [NPY-5 antagonists and CCK-A, bombesin, amylin and melanocyte-stimulating hormone-4 (or melanin-concentrating hormone?) agonists], is there a place for GLP-1 and PACAP? GLP-1 receptors present in ARC, PVN, VMN, and SON are the target for both central and blood-borne GLP-1 in those hypothalamic neurons endowed with GLUT-2 and glucokinase. GLP-1, hypersecreted by L-cells after a meal, is a potent insulinotropic agent and, together with glucose, reduces food intake and induces c-fos in the ARC. PACAP is present in the ARC, PVN, and SCH, and its hypothalamic type I receptor elevates cAMP and inositol triphosphate in the PVN, where it may perhaps antagonize NPY-induced food intake and hyperinsulinemia. However, irrelevant neuroendocrine, autonomic, and circadian functions are also activated by this peptide, making it a less than ideal base on which to build an obesity treatment.

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