
Medically-assisted-procreation via in vitro fertilization, an integral part of of the so-called "reproductive revolution", is a valuable option for couples with sterility or fertility issues. That has however brought about three relevant results: the rift between procreation and sexual intercourse, the opportunity to use heterologous fertilization through donated gametes, and the ensuing increase in the number of "reproductive contributors" (male and/or female gamete donors, surrogate mothers). In Italy, Law n. 40 has put in place several restrictions, stricter than in most other European countries. Before being declared partly unconstitutional, Law 40 used to impose an array of bans and restrictions other than the ones still currently in force, such as the still unchanged prohibition to use human embryos for experimentation purposes and the ban on surrogacy. For same-sex couples who travel abroad to get around the Italian ban on heterologous fertilization, surrogacy, and MAP for homosexual couples. The authors have attempted to lay out a short analysis of how Italian courts have attempted to uphold the best interests of children born abroad in homosexual families, by taking into account the latest decisions on the subject.

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