
Influenza virus is an RNA enveloped virus and consists neuraminidase, hemagglutinin and matrix protein. Each component has own role to lead infection. Different methods especially reverse transcription PCR is more appropriate to diagnose influenza. ABO blood group system is most common methods among 33 blood group system. It helps to check compatibility between donor and recipients especially in blood transfusion and transplantation. By using blood group determining kit we checked which type of blood group is in all blood samples. Antibody serum A, B and D helped to determine blood group via displaying agglutination in respective portions. B+ is observed commonly 42% males and 21% females shown B+ blood while they did not prefer medication for flu treatment. AB- is not observed in collected sample and moreover B- and A- is also least common. There is not any prominent relationship between type of blood group and treatment of flu with or without medication.

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