
There are studies to support association between immune function and cognition in patients with schizophrenia (SZ). However, there are no such study which had tried to explore the same in patients with Acute and transient psychotic disorders (ATPDs), which is considered to similar in presentation to SZ. This is an extended analysis of the study published in which we had recruited 19 subjects with ATPDs in acute phase of illness were age-/gender-matched with patients schizophrenia in remission. Clinical assessment and immune-marker levels (IL-6,IL-8,IL-17) were carried out along with follow -up repeat immune-marker levels assessment in the ATPD group was conducted after remission status was ensured (at least 3 months after resolution of acute phase). Cognitive assessment was done on Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) in both the groups (ATPD in both phases and in SZ). The mean MoCA total score was 12.05 (SD-5.0) in the acute phase and 27.05 (SD-2.46) in the remission phase in the ATPD group which was statistically significant. When compared with patients with SZ in remission, patients with ATPD in remission performed better in all domains of MoCA, however only statistically significant differences in the total MoCA score and in the visuospatial domain scores of MoCA. No significant association between any of the immune marker levels (IL-6, Il-8 and IL-17) with any domains of the MoCA in patients with ATPD neither in the acute phase nor in the remission phase was found. Additionally, no significant association between the cognitive scores in the MoCA domains of the patients with schizophrenia and immune marker levels was found too. To conclude, the present study's findings suggested that there existed definite cognitive deficits in patients with ATPDs in both acute and remission phase and in patients with SZ. However, the study could not establish any relationship/association between cognitive deficits/scores in patients with ATPDs in both phases as well as in patients with SZ with immune marker levels.

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