
The rubrointerposital projection was studied in cats where wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was implanted in various parts of the interposed nuclei. No retrogradely labelled rubral cells were observed following implantations in the posterior interposed nucleus, and only very few such cells were identified in the contralateral red nucleus after implantations restricted to the anterior interposed nucleus with no contamination of cerebellar white matter or cortex. However, when WGA-HRP was delivered by a pressure injection, which in addition to the anterior interposed nucleus included the adjacent white cerebellar matter along the needle track and the overlying cortex, many retrogradely labelled cells were present contralaterally in the magnocellular red nucleus, with some also found in its rostral parvicellular part. The same observation was made when injection of free HRP exceeded the boundaries of the anterior interposed nucleus. These observations indicate that there is a negligible projection from the red nucleus to the contralateral interposed cerebellar nuclei. What has been considered to be rubrointerposital cerebellar fibres probably is the projection to the cerebellar cortex ( Exp. Brain Res., 50 (1983) 353–358). Anterogradely labelled fibres could be followed from the implantations in the posterior interposed nucleus to a medial crescent of the entire contralateral red nucleus. Caudal as well as rostral parts of the posterior interposed nucleus project into the same area of the red nucleus. Implantations restricted to the anterior interposed nucleus label a projection to the contralateral magnocellular red nucleus which is topographically organized. The caudal part of the anterior interposed nucleus projects to the dorsomedial portion of the magnocellular red nucleus, the rostral part to its ventrolateral portion. In addition, a mediolateral organization in the anterior interposed nucleus coincides with a caudorostral arrangement in the red nucleus. This topical arrangement corresponds to what has previously been observed in cat and monkey, but due to the small implantation sites used in the present study a more precise mapping of the projection has been obtained. Furthermore, our implantations of WGA-HRP into the red nucleus show especially well the latter topical arrangement in the projection. The observations mentioned above are discussed and related to previous studies of the rubrocerebellar and cerebellorubral projections.

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