
Previous studies have found that attention is oriented in the direction of other people's gaze suggesting that gaze perception is related to the mechanisms of joint attention. However, the role of the perception of gaze direction on joint attention has been challenged. We investigated the effects of disrupting gaze perception on the orienting of observers' attention, in particular, whether orienting to gaze direction is affected by the disruptive effect of negative contrast polarity on gaze perception. A dynamic distracting gaze was presented to observers performing an endogenous saccadic task. Gaze perception was manipulated by reversing the contrast polarity between the sclera and the iris. With positive display polarity, eye movement recordings showed shorter saccadic latencies when the direction of the instructed saccade matched the direction of the distracting gaze, and a substantial number of erroneous saccades towards the direction of the perceived gaze when the latter did not match the instruction. Crucially, such effects were not found when gaze contrast polarity was reversed and gaze perception was impaired. These results extend previous studies by demonstrating the existence of a direct link between joint attention and the perception of gaze direction, and show how orienting of attention to other people's gaze can be suppressed.

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