
The aim of this study is determinate if there is a correlation between the adherence to the cpap treatment and the epworth scale. We have an specific protocol for the adherence in our sleep nurse consultation. We studied a cohort of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea that begins the treatment with cpap between January and December 2012. Scope: 2nd Level Hospital (reference population 340,458 habitants). Variables: Sex, age,pathology, Epworth Scale, Apnea Hipoapnea Index ( IAH ), Hours of daily use of cpap and Pressure of treatment. We analyzed 183 patients ( CI 95 % ).Sex: Male (142) 75%,Women (41)23%. Epworth Scale <10: Mean age 57 ± 25; Mean IAH 43 ± 33; Mean hours of daily use of CPAP 5 ± 3 h; mean pressure of treatment 8 ± 3 ccH2O. Epworth Scale >10: Mean age 55 ± 20; Mean IAH 43.5 ± 32; Mean hours of daily use of CPAP 5.5;± 3 h; mean pressure of treatment 8 ± 3 ccH 2 O. The similars results obtained in the two groups studies shows that the Epworth Scale is not a predictor of the correct use of the CPAP treatment. The epworth scale results are very subjective.There are many factors that influence the correct adherence to the cpap treatment that we don’t measure in our study, probably the interface ( mask ) has an important role in the adherence. To the Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol and the sleep nurse consultation of the Hospital.

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