
The need to support and strengthen the geoscience education research (GER) community of practice is a theme that emerged from recent surveys and community discussions. A 2014 survey of members by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Geoscience Education Research Division indicated that respondents (Lukes et al., 2015) felt there is a need to raise the perceived value of GER. This concept was further explored at a workshop for geoscience education researchers that took place at the 2015 Earth Educators Rendezvous. An 11 member working group in the ''Synthesizing Geoscience Education Research'' workshop (http://serc.carleton.edu/ earth_rendezvous/2015/morning_workshops/w3/index. html) addressed the question: What are the priorities for promoting and supporting geoscience education researchers? In response, the need for ''outreach'' to non-GER colleagues to elevate the value of GER, especially with respect to promotion and tenure preparation and evaluation, was raised. This idea of outreach to non-GER colleagues is consistent with suggestions made in a recent editorial on ways in which tenure-track geoscience education researchers can be proactive in communicating to their colleagues about what they do and why it is important (St. John, 2015).We know the GER field is growing-there are over 14 geoscience graduate programs that include GER as a field of graduate study. Tenure-track position announcements for GER are becoming more common, and many of those positions are in programs where the GER faculty member may be the only discipline-based education researcher in their department or college. As others have pointed out, this creates the potential for GER marginalization and isolation in the geoscience programs (Singer et al., 2012; Feig, 2013; Lukes, 2015; Lukes et al., 2015). In addition, the likelihood that promotion and tenure (PT to place specialties in a larger context; and to share results in ways that could also educate nonspecialists. …

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