
This study aims to conduct a multivariate test of the dependent variable on women’s behaviour of buying organic food which are influenced by three independent variables, namely perceived behavioral control, knowledge, and subjective norm. The research object as the sample is women costumers in Delanggu, Wonosari and Polanharjo District Klaten Indonesia who buy Srinuk organic rice and organic food brand around 100 respondents with purposive sampling. The data analysis in this study is in the form of respondent description tests, validity and reliability tests of items, and variable regression tests which are useful for providing an image of perception in the society’s mind regarding the proof of buying behaviour model for organic food. Multivariate quantitative test used AMOS Software. The test results found that the perceived behavior control and subjective norm variables influence buying behaviour, while one variable, namely knowledge has no significant effect. From the research findings of the model evidence, a strategy is needed for stakeholders to develop marketing strategies towards the competitive advantage of organic food towards the increase of public consumption with more favourable products and market developments. At a later stage, it is possible to conduct experimental research.

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