
Digoxin immunoreactivity (DI) has been identified in plasma from women with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). Thus, it has been suggested that digitalis-like inhibition of cell Na pumps ((Na+K)ATPase) may play a role in PIH. Digoxin and other cardiac glycosides can be displaced from red blood cells (RBC) by incubation in a Na+ATP solution. By measuring Na pump activity with and without such an incubation, the degree of Na pump inhibition can be calculated. We used this technique to evaluate whether DI is associated with digitalis-like binding to RBC (Na+K)ATPase. DI was detected in all 18 pregnant women, 9 normotensive (.29±.07ng/ml) and 9 with PIH (.22±.06, p>0.1), but was undetectable in 9 nonpregnant women. Additonally, 7 patients on oral digoxin were studied and had levels of .97±.37ng/ml. RBC (Na+K)ATPase activity increased in all subjects after Na+ATP incubation. Pump activity increased to the same extent in pregnant (23%±6) and nonpregnant (25%±3) women despite the DI present in pregnant subjects. Patients taking digoxin had a twofold greater increase in Na pump activity (52%±6), confirming the ability of this technique to displace digoxin from RBC Na pumps. Digoxin immunoreactivity is present in pregnancy irrespective of blood pressure status and is not associated with digitalis-like inhibition of (Na+K)ATPase.

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