
In this talk we discuss the scenario of multigravity according to which the gravity we observe in intermediate scales (1 mm < r < 1026 cm ) is mediated by both a massless graviton and one or more of ultralight spin-2 state. We present how this can be realized in a five dimensional brane-world theory with flat branes and the complications associated with the extra polarizations of the massive gravitons (van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity) and the ghost radions corresponding to the fluctuations of the negative tension branes present in these models. We then show how we can construct models of AdS4 branes instead with exclusively positive tension and demonstrate how the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov no-go theorem can be circumvented in curved space. These models, although they are consistent, face phenomenological problems related to the presence of a remnant negative cosmological constant on the branes. We finally present how we can obtain the same constructions in six dimensions with flat positive tensions branes only, in a manner that they are both theoretically consistent and phenomenologically acceptable. The latter come in two copies each and offer the first problem-free realization of the multigravity scenario.

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