
We assess whether traits associated with life history strategy moderate the association between endorsement and engagement of sexual coercion. In a sample of 155 men, we measured engagement in subtle sexually coercive behaviours using a novel measure, where participants reported their likely response when faced with several sexual/dating scenarios (e.g., a situation where the participant is sexually rejected). We also measured participants on mating effort, aggression, socioeconomic status (SES), the dark triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism), and endorsement of sexual coercion through acceptance of rape myths. We found that men high in mating effort, SES, and Machiavellianism were more likely to engage in sexually coercion. As expected, greater endorsement was associated with greater engagement in sexual coercion, and this was significantly moderated by narcissism and Machiavellianism, but in opposite directions, with higher levels of Machiavellianism and lower levels of narcissism associated with a greater association between endorsement and engagement. Overall, there was no consistent pattern between traits associated with an accelerated life history strategy and sexually coercive behaviour.

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