
Education starts informally at home and its definition can change person to person. While Tyler defines education as a period of changing one’s behavior pattern, Erturk’s explanation is that education is a period of creating intentional desired change in one’s behavior by way of own living and Fidan also describes education as a period of managing people according to specified goals (4). According to today’s education system, after 60th month of birth, every child has to start the formal education. Turkish Education System has been being changed so frequent and irregularly. Terminally, private teaching institutions, called dershane , are forced to close down by heavy sanction. Even worse, these institutions are allowed to transform to Private Fundamental High Schools just by changing their signboard. The aim of this study is to go around National Education Ministry’s Private Fundamental School judgment that is far from equality in education and from general targets of Turkish National Education System and constituted in accordance with political profits. Reflections of instability of deformed education system by six national education minister changes in fourteen years are observed. The judgment’s potential damages to our education system and to the next generations are also remarked. In this study, nine Private Fundamental High School teachers from four different cities were interviewed face to face with question-answer technique about current and potential problems of these schools. The inequality of financial support of National Education Ministry to the Private Fundamental High School students’ topic is studied in the light of a 12-question survey applied to 126 teachers and directors and thesis, article, book and explanations of National Education Ministry. Data is analyzed by SPSS 22 program. Percentage distribution of survey participant teachers is %5,6 preschool teacher, %54,8 primary school teacher (1-4), %15,9 branch teacher (5-8), %23.8 branch teacher (9-12). Article visualizations:

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