
If you look up the definition of leader or leadership in several dictionaries, you will find a similar overall description of someone who leads, commands, or moves a group toward a goal. The newer, softer definitions include terms such as guide , influence , or inspire . Yet, although it is easy to find the “what” of leaders and leadership, it is difficult to find the “how” of leaders and leadership. How implies action, doing, effort, a process, a set of skills, a series of attributes. The good news is that the actions, skills, and attributes of effective leaders can be learned. The bad news is that the internal and external challenges that leaders face today may not be the ones to be faced in the future. So, will the actions, skills, and attributes of leaders be enough for tomorrow? In this Q&A, 4 experts with diverse backgrounds and leadership roles discuss leadership styles, leadership effectiveness, and mistakes leaders make. These individuals also provide advice for first-time leaders. What is the most important skill that tomorrow's leaders will need? Angie Morgan: Tomorrow's leader will need an open mind. Despite our country's current need for innovation, many individuals are resistant to change. I hear too often that when new ideas are presented, they are met with responses as to why those ideas won't work. After all, legacy is powerful: “The way we have always done things” has an amazing draw. I understand why this is. When I hear a seemingly off-the-wall idea, instinctually my response is to write it off or reject it. But more often than not, when I challenge myself to really listen and consider, I discover brilliance in new approaches. As one example, one of my clients used to rely heavily on call centers, historically believing that to …

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