
use, recent poly-substance use, recent hard drug use, lifetime hard drug use, problem recognition, and substance usewith familywere associated with 2MFU hard drug use. Logistic regression results reveal that homelessness (OR=3.1, 95% CI =1.0–9.6, p= .05) and recent hard drug use (OR=2.7, 95% CI =1.1–6.4, p= .02) increased the odds of 2MFU drug use. Recent hard drug users (OR=4.3, 95% CI =1.2–15.4, p= .02) had increased odds of 2MFU hard drug use. Conclusions:Probationhas a limited suppression effect for people with severe substance use disorders. Recent hard drug use predicts futuredruguseand futureharddruguse. The identification of probationers most at risk for failure due to continued substance use should assist probation agencies in targeting probationers for behavioral health services. Financial Support: NIDA R01DA029010-01A1.

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