
The in-cell environment is crowded with macromolecules, and the consequent reduction in free volume, based on the hard-sphere paradigm, is central to understanding macromolecular motions. A much-used model crowder, Ficoll, often assumed to be a compact, if not rigid, colloidal particle, is studied by rheology, small-angle neutron scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry, and relaxometry. We find that the Ficoll suspension viscosity scales linearly with concentration cF in the dilute limit and as ∼cF3.8 at high cF, i.e, consistent with the 15/4 (de Gennes) scaling for a reptating polymer. The form factor of Ficoll, obtained via small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), resembles either a Gaussian polymer or a soft polymer blob. From NMR diffusion measurements, we obtain an effective volume fraction for Ficoll that accounts for Ficoll-bound water in two ways and show that each results in a volume occupancy of 60% to 70% in the crowding limit, much larger than the traditionally reported values of around 30%. If we persist with the colloid paradigm and examine the dependence of the zero-q structure factor obtained via SANS in terms of this effective volume fraction, we find that only a combination of particle softness and interparticle attractions, quantified using a computational model, can replicate the experimental S(0). The stark difference between effective and traditional volume occupancies affects the interpretation of previous experiments on macromolecular crowding and might explain the intriguing non-monotonicity observed in the dependence of protein relaxation rates on crowder concentration.

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