
The article examines the place and role of the conception of the so-called educational services in the Russian legislation, which is one of the topical ideological problems of modern Russian educational policy. The author argues that the discussion of this issue in Russian society, in scientific publications and media as well as in government structure does not have a purely theoretical content but includes the most important practice-oriented aspects and raises the issues of the goals of education, of the essence of the evolving system of educational relations, and, moreover, of the nature of the social system that has developed in Russia in general. According to the author, the conception of services is largely based on the desire to exclude the human factor from education, and it contradicts the specificity of educational relations, which implies the influence of a person on a person, the formation of a person by a person. The main content of the article is the analysis of alternative bills aimed at partial or complete exclusion of the conception of educational services from the legislation. The article analyzes the history of the issue, the arguments of supporters and opponents of the conception of educational services, as well as the parliamentary struggle and its results. The author substantiates that the discussed amendments to the Federal Law On Education in the Russian Federation is at best a half-way solution to the problem, and the work to improve federal legislation in this direction should be continued.

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