
Whilst the pathophysiology at a cellular level has been defined, the cause of Parkinson's disease (PD) remains poorly understood. This neurodegenerative disorder is associated with impaired dopamine transmission in the substantia nigra, and protein accumulations known as Lewy bodies are visible in affected neurons. Cell culture models of PD have indicated impaired mitochondrial function, so the focus of this paper is on the quality control processes involved in and around mitochondria. Mitochondrial autophagy (mitophagy) is the process through which defective mitochondria are removed from the cell by internalisation into autophagosomes which fuse with a lysosome. This process involves many proteins, notably including PINK1 and parkin, both of which are known to be coded on genes associated with PD. Normally inhealthy individuals, PINK1 associates with the outer mitochondrial membrane, which then recruits parkin, activating it to attach ubiquitin proteins to the mitochondrial membrane. PINK1, parkin, and ubiquitin cooperate to form a positive feedback system which accelerates the deposition of ubiquitin on dysfunctional mitochondria, resulting in mitophagy. However, in hereditary PD, the genes encoding PINK1 and parkin are mutated, resulting in proteins that are less efficient at removing poorly performing mitochondria, leaving cells more vulnerable to oxidative stress and ubiquitinated inclusion bodies, such as Lewy bodies. Current research that looks into the connection between mitophagy and PD is promising, already yielding potentially therapeutic compounds; until now, pharmacological support for the mitophagy process has not been part of the therapeutic arsenal. Continued research in this area is warranted.

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