
Refugee Crisis is one of the global issues over recent years. The continuous increase in the number of refugees is distressfully alarming. According to the Global Trends report of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the world's population of refugees raised to 25.4 million at the end of 2017, out of which19.9 Million comes under the UNHCR mandate. Developing countries, despite economic instability, has hosted 85% of the refugees. Turkey, Pakistan, Uganda and Iran are the top four countries to host refugees, respectively. Whereas, on the contrary, Australia is the only country which is not only sceptical in hosting refugees but also, detain them on the offshore camps of Nauru and Manus and Christmas Island. The detention camps, where Human Rights abuses are at its peak. The objective of this essay is to investigate the reasons for the Australian white supremacy policies on the borders; as well as the legitimacy of transferring and detaining refugees to the offshore detention centres in the name of so-called operation sovereign borders. Also, exploring the mindset of inhuman treatment with the refugees as well as asylum seekers in the off-shore detention where the officials lack evidential justifications for such treatment; focusing mainly on the detention centres of Nauru and Manus.

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