
espanolDurante la Guerra Civil Espanola, en el lado republicano, estallo una revolucion social, liderada por los trabajadores y sus sindicatos que termino en muchos lugares en un proceso de colectivizacion empresarial. En la ciudad de Alcoi, el sindicato anarquista tomo el control de mas de 100 empresas textiles familiares, pasando por un proceso de racionalizacion que unifico la produccion de todas las empresas textiles para superar una crisis de produccion anterior y atender la demanda de guerra. ?El caso de Alcoi durante la Guerra Civil demuestra la posibilidad de una organizacion empresarial anarquista exitosa? Este articulo trata de comprender el desarrollo de los negocios sin una organizacion capitalista y el papel de las redes empresariales en tal desarrollo. El diseno organizativo y la administracion del proceso de colectivizacion es un ejemplo de como la socializacion de la propiedad y la democratizacion del proceso de toma de decisiones en la empresa no se opusieron con racionalidad y eficiencia, al menos durante un contexto de guerra. EnglishDuring the Spanish Civil War, in the Republican side, a social revolution broke out, led by the workers and their unions ending in many places in a business collectivization process. In the city of Alcoi, the anarchist union took control over more than 100 textile family firms, going through a rationalization process which unified the production of all textile firms overcoming a previous production crisis and attending the war demand. Does the Alcoi case during the Civil War prove the possibility of a successful anarchist business organization? This article tries to understand the development of business without a capitalist organization and the role of business networks in such a development. The organizational design and the administration of the collectivization process is an example of how socialization of the property and democratization of the decision-making process in the company were not opposed with rationality and efficiency, at least during a war context.


  • During the Spanish Civil War, in the Republican side, a social revolution broke out, led by the workers and their unions ending in many places in a business collectivization process

  • In order to understand why the anarchist business organization proved to be successful in the Alcoi textile firms during the Civil War, two aspects must be taken into consideration

  • In this paper we have tried to understand the development of business without a capitalist organization and the role of business networks in such a development

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The business network

The business organization in Alcoi can be better understood within the concept of network, a network which has survived through its capacity of adaptation to changing economic and institutional conditions. The RFPA abandoned its traditional denomination to be called, in the first instance, Fábrica de Paños (Clothing Factory, without any reference to the monarchy), and later on, Asociación Patronal de la Industria Textil y Factorías de Alcoi (APITFA, Employers’ Association of the Textile Industry and Factories of Alcoi) In this period, and until the labor collectivization took place during the war, the Employers’ Association became a more complex institution, inside of which there was a larger degree of cooperation between companies when facing the different changes in the institutional environment. The increasing demand of labor advice from the companies was at the basis of the decision to open, in 1933, a Consulting Office in charge of a Secretary Advisor, for “the associate gentlemen to be conveniently advised on their doubts about the interpretation of tariffs, wages, and the legislation of social issues” One year later this office was transformed into a Mercantile Consulting Office, managed by two mercantile expertises, and eventually supported by a Technical Consulting Committee.

Industrial relations During the first third of the 20th
War, social revolution and collectivization process
The anarchist business organization of Alcoi’s textile firms
War’s legacy and the Alcoi textile business network
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