
Autonomous intersection management (AIM) guides vehicles to pass through signal-free intersections individually. Since vehicles are permitted to turn in any direction from any lane in AIM, it is desired to erase lane changes on the entry lane to achieve high traffic efficiency. However, erasing lane changes exposes intersections to complex conflicts. To study the trade-off between lane changes on the entry lanes and conflicts inside the intersection, this paper makes a comprehensive comparison of two kinds of intersection systems. First, all-direction turn lanes (ADTL) and specific-direction turn lanes (SDTL) are designed to distinguish lane change behaviors. Second, a two-stage method is proposed to manage the oncoming vehicles at the intersection. The first stage is timing schedule optimization and the second stage is trajectory optimization. Then, a method based on Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is designed to solve the timing schedule optimization model at high traffic demands. Finally, two parts of simulation experiments are conducted in this paper. The first part verifies the performance of the MCTS-based method. The second part compares ADTL and SDTL in multiple scenarios. The results show that ADTL outperforms SDTL in the efficient system, but the opposite conclusion appears in the fault-tolerant system. Besides, combining ADTL with lane changes may bring out the full value of ADTL.

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