
While there has been a guideline for laboratory/genetic diagnosis of Huntington Disease (HD) since 1998, no such statement exists for the diagnosis of clinical HD. Informally, the most frequently used criteria for diagnosis of clinical HD is ‘Motor 4’ within the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale ’99 (motor), made when the rater is highly confident that ‘motor abnormalities observed are unequivocal signs of HD’. Recent studies involving pre-manifest individuals illustrated the shortcomings of this motor-only diagnostic approach. For instance, PREDICT-HD found cognitive changes decades before the expected date of motor diagnosis. Using a number of case studies, we highlight some of the subtleties involved in diagnosing clinical HD, in the absence of unequivocal motor signs for HD. New, broader, criteria for the diagnosis of clinical HD would be helpful in many ways. However its formulation will need to flexible rather than prescriptive, and will require extensive consultation with clinicians and families with HD.

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