
This paper deals with near past, ongoing and planned R&D works on fission products (FPs) behaviour in Reactor Cooling System (RCS), containment building and in Filtered Containment Venting Systems (FCVS) for severe accident (SA) conditions. For the last topic, in link with the Fukushima post-accident management and possible improvement of mitigation actions for such SA, the FCVS topic is again on the agenda (see Status Report on Filtered Containment Venting, OECD/NEA/CSNI, Report NEA/CSNI/R(2014)7, 2014.) with a large interest at the international scale. All the researches are collaborative works; the overall objective is to develop confident models to be implemented in ASTEC SA simulation software. After being initiated in the International Source Term Program (ISTP), researches devoted to the understanding of iodine transport through the RCS are still ongoing in the frame of a bilateral agreement between IRSN and EDF with promising results. In 2017, a synthesis report of the last 10 years of researches, which have combined experimental and fundamental works based on the use of theoretical chemistry tools, will be issued. For containment, the last advances are linked to the Source Term Evaluation and Mitigation (STEM) OECD/NEA project operated by IRSN. The objective of the STEM project was to improve the evaluation of Source Term (ST) for a SA on a nuclear power plant and to reduce uncertainties on specific phenomena dealing with the chemistry of two major fission products: iodine and ruthenium. More precisely, the STEM project provided additional knowledge and improvements for calculation tools in order to allow a more robust diagnosis and prognosis of radioactive releases in a SA. STEM data will be completed by a follow-up, called STEM2, to further the knowledge concerning some remaining issues and be closer to reactor conditions. Two additional programmes deal with FCVS issues: the MItigation of outside Releases in the Environment (MIRE) (2013–2019) French National Research Agency (NRA) programme and the Passive and Active Systems on Severe Accident source term Mitigation (PASSAM) (2013–2016) European project. For FCVS works, the efficiencies for trapping iodine with various FCVS, covering scrubbers and dry filters, are examined to get a clear view of their abilities in SA conditions. Another part, performed in collaboration with French universities (Lorraine and Lille 1), is focused on the enhancement of the performance of these filters with specific porous materials able to trap volatile iodine. For that, influence of zeolites materials parameters (nature of the counter-ions, structure, Si/Al ratio …) will be tested. New kind of porous materials constituted by Metal organic Frameworks (MOF) will also be looked at because they can constitute a promising way of trapping.

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