
Abstract Bird species that undertake irruptive migrations are good candidates for assessing density-dependent effects on stopover ecology because the number of birds using stopover sites varies considerably from year to year. Using morphometric data from a 9-year banding program and radiotelemetry (n = 25 females), we found that increases in the annual density of Northern Saw-whet Owls (NSWO; Aegolius acadicus) encountered at a fall stopover site in Nova Scotia, Canada, were not linked to female body condition or minimum stopover duration. Rather, most NSWO spent no more than 1 or 2 full days at the stopover site following radio-tagging and during their return visits to the site. Body condition indices were highest for NSWO captured near the end of the migration monitoring season, possibly reflecting birds that had recently established wintering ranges and were elevating energy stores. We used breeding abundance indices derived from Birds Canada’s Atlantic Nocturnal Owl Survey to help test the hypothesis that irruptive fall migrations in NSWO were driven by elevated breeding productivity and dispersal of immature birds (breeding success hypothesis). Indeed, irruptive fall migrations were characterized by elevated densities of immatures, but not adults, and mean breeding abundance indices for the Maritime provinces during years with irruptive migrations were higher than those for non-irruptive years. We hypothesize that prey abundance during years with irruptive migrations was sufficient to enable high breeding densities and minimize effects of elevated fall densities of NSWO on rates of mass gain and stopover duration.

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